Artiklar (sida 1 av 20)
- Dunbar, R. I. & Wallette, A. (2024). Are there fitness benefits to violence? The case of medieval Iceland. Evolution and Human Behavior, 45. Elsevier.
- Ericsson, M. (2024). Tennisblockaden i Båstad 1968 : Vänsteraktivism och motmobilisering. Historisk Tidskrift, 144, 3-32. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Ericsson, M. & Gustafsson, J. (2024). Kampanjen mot atomvapen och det tidiga 1960-talets svenska protestrepertoar. Scandia, 90, 85-114. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Graf, S. (2024). Instant memories of the Russian war against Ukraine – mapping the virtual Meta History: Museum of War. Memory, Mind & Media, 3, 1-20. Cambridge University Press.
- Halberg, R. L. (2024). Ann M. Beaudhuy's Letters. Journal of Caribbean History, 58, 54-68.
- Isacsson, A., Lancaster, J. & Bagerius, H. (2024). Het diskussion och utmanande tystnad : Att lära sig att leda samtal om identitet, sexualitet och relationer. Högre utbildning, 14, 82-89. Swednet.
- Lundberg, B. (2024). Youth Activism and Global Awareness : The Emergence of the Operation Dagsverke Campaign in 1960s Sweden. Contemporary European History, 33, 546-560. Cambridge University Press.
- Rudling, P. A. (2024). “Benderites,” "UkroNazis" and "Rashizm" : Studying the Historical Ukrainian Far Right in Times of Disinformation and Hybrid Warfare. Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 9, 11-62. Ibidem-Verlag.
- Zander, U. (2024). Left, Right or Wrong? : Rammstein Playing with Symbols of Sex, Violence and Dictatorship as a Test of Democracy. HumaNetten, 52, 27-39. Institutionen för humaniora, Växjö universitet.
- Östlund, J. (2024). Ny diplomatihistoria : Historisk bakgrund och nordisk framtid. Scandia, 90, 115-128. Stiftelsen Scandia.
- Bergman, M. & Dackling, M. (2023). Between deplorable anachronism and valuable heritage. The persistence of the Swedish fideikommiss institution, 1810-1964. Scandinavian Journal of History. Routledge.
- Cordes, M. J. (2023). Central and Eastern Europe’s Balancing Act. Pulaski Policy Paper, 1-7.
- Cordes, M. J. (2023). Poland and the advocacy for a wider Central and Eastern Europe. Pulaski Policy Paper.
- Davoliūtė, V. & Rudling, O. (2023). The Rustic Turn during Late Socialism and the Popular Movement against Soviet Rule. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 65, 30-51. Princeton University Press.
- Ekberg, K. & Brink Pinto, A. (2023). Crafting counter frames : Shell's corporate strategies in the Nigeria campaign, 1995–1998. The Extractive Industries and Society, 13. Elsevier.
- Fedorchenko-Kutuev, P. & Kiryukhin, D. (2023). THE CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY : THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ISSUES IN THE TIMES OF SYSTEMIC ANTAGONISM. INTRODUCTION. Ideology and Politics Journal, 4-9. Foundation for Good Politics.
- Gustafsson, H. (2023). Banal placemaking : spatial conceptions in an Icelandic provincial newspaper in the 1880s. Scandinavian Journal of History, 48, 299-318. Routledge.
- Hammar, I. & Östh Gustafsson, H. (2023). Futures of the History of the Humanities : An Introduction. History of Humanities, 8, 177-187. University of Chicago Press.
- Harrison, D. (2023). Att skriva biografier. Personhistorisk tidskrift, Årgång 119, 125-143. Stockholm: Personhistoriska samfundet..
- Husz, O. & Larsson Heidenblad, D. (2023). The Making of Everyman’s Capitalism in Sweden : Micro-Infrastructures, Unlearning, and Moral Boundary Work. Enterprise & Society, 24, 425-454. Oxford University Press.
- Isacsson, A. (2023). Recension av Hovet: Historien om ett kungligt maskineri. Karolinska Förbundets Årsbok, 120-123. Karolinska förbundet.
- Kiryukhin, D. (2023). The Eluding Dreams : Ukraine and the crisis of democratic participation. Ideology and Politics Journal, 23, 35-56. Foundation for Good Politics.
- Kiryukhin, D. (2023). The Philosophical Process in Post-Soviet Ukraine. Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 259, 283-322. Ibidem-Verlag.
- Larsson Heidenblad, D. & Nilsson, C. (2023). Ungdomslivets finansialisering: Skapandet av en aktiekultur för och av unga i Sverige, 1985–1994. Historisk Tidsskrift, 142, 564-593. Universitetsforlaget.
- Lundberg, B. (2023). I svårforcerad terräng är en karta som viktigast : Om att navigera genom historievetenskapens postdoktorala fas. Historisk Tidskrift, 143, 594-601. Svenska historiska föreningen.