Doctoral studies in History

PhD studies in History

At the department of History, you have the opportunity to study at the doctoral level. The PhD education is an important part of the university’s charge and responsibility and as a PhD student, as you are called when you study at the doctoral level, you are an important part of the research at Lund University. The education comprises 240 Higher Education points (hp/ECTS-credits), which corresponds to four years of full-time studies. In reality, it often takes a little while longer. The education is finished with a scientific dissertation, a doctoral dissertation. As a PhD student, you have at least two supervisors who help you through the education. One of these is your primary supervisor. Most of the PhD students have some form of employment at the department. Teaching students at the graduate level can be part of this employment. The PhD education includes both reading courses, work with the dissertation, and cooperation with the supervisors. How the education is set up and what demands are made are somewhat different between the different faculties and subjects. Read more about acceptance and the qualifications necessary within the respective subjects.

Please note that there are two ways of financing the PhD students at the department: doctoral studentships financed by the Faculties of Humanities and Theology and by the National Graduate School in History.

Doctoral Studies in History

The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

National Graduate School in History


Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) awards our PhD Education in History the best score possible: High quality

PhD Studies The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

sunshine in a wood

National Graduate School in History

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