The History students' association KLIO

The History students' association KLIO

The History student association KLIO is an association for students and former students at the Department of History at Lund University. KLIO was founded in 2012 so that all history students could be able to meet new friends and meet similarly minded people. Most importantly, KLIO exists to be able to nerd-out on history together! Being engaged in the association is a great way to be part of student life in Lund. We regularly arrange interesting lectures, guided walks, dinners, game nights, and much more. In the KLIO-room (A017) you can also take a break from your studies, heat your food, drink coffee, and hang with similarly minded people.  

Aside from the board, we have three groups that organize KLIO’s operations. Post festum is the group that plans and keeps track of our lectures. In Vino Veritas arranges the more festive events, i.e. dinners and other parties. Scriptorium is the group who writes our newspaper Vox Clamantis and our podcast Viva Voce. To join one of the groups all it takes is giving notice of your interest to the board or someone already in the group.

Joining KLIO costs only 40 sek per term, and you get access to all of our activities. KLIO is a non-profit organization and this money goes to finance the activities which are open for all members. You can sign up for membership at any time during our activities, or if you can find a board member. You can also head to the KLIO room to sign up! Contact KLIO either through email, or write to us on our Facebook page. On our Facebook page, we update regularly on everything that is going on, so make sure to like it today! See you there! E-mail: KLIO Facebook:



Viktor Wretström
Phone: +46(0)733-921662

Mail: kliostyrelsegmailcom

Vice President

Ludvig Larsson

Phone: +46(0)709-846084

Page Manager: sofia.hermanssonhist.luse | 2022-10-26