
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- History
- Department of History
Contact information
E-mail maria.smaberghist.luse
Phone +46 46 222 30 46
Room LUX:A316
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30
Present position
Associate Director of Studies, Department of History, Lund University
Senior Lecturer, Peace and Conflict Research, Lund University
Affiliated researcher, The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), Lund University
Main research interests
- Gender, war and peace
- Humanitarianism
- Witness narratives and biographical history
- The Armenian Genocide
- The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding
- Peace education and interculturalism
- Mission history
Dissertation: Ambivalent Friendship. Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920-1948 (Lund 2005).
Current research project: Frictional humanitarian homebuilding - Swedish Civil Society Actors in the Occupied Palestinian Territories from 1967 to the Present
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My profile in Lund University research portalDegrees:
• 2005 Ph D in History, Lund University. Title of the dissertation: Ambivalent Friendship. Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920-1948.
• 1996 MA in History, Lund University.
• 1994 BA in History, Lund University.
• 1989-2005 Lund University, Sweden.
• 1996-1998 Rothberg School for Overseas Students, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
• 1992-1993 Catholic University of Angers, France.
Pedagogical Education:
• 2009 luPOD Academic Trainee Program, Lund University
• 2009 Basic course for Ph D tutors, Lund University
• 2002 Examination in Change, Lund University.
• 2001 Teaching Course for the Humanities, Lund University.
• 2000 Communication Course for the Humanities, Lund University.
• 2014 - Research fellow, Department of history, Lund University.
Co-ordinator, Department of History, Lund University
• 2008 - 2014 Assistant professor, Department of History, Lund University
• 2006 - Assistant supervisor of PhD students, Lund University and Örebro University.
• 2006 - Lecturer, Peace and Conflict Research, Lund University.
• 2005-2007 Student Counsellor, Department of History, Lund University.
• 2003 - Lecturer, Centre of Theology and Religion, Lund University.
• 2003-2007 SI-manager, Department of History, Lund University.
• 2001 - Lecturer, History, Lund University.
• 2003-2005 Student counsellor assistant, Department of History, Lund University.
• 2001-2005 Research Associate, Department of History, Lund University.
• 2000-2001 Student councellor substitute. Department of History, Lund University (part time).
• 1997-1998 Visiting Scholar, Rothberg School for Overseas Students, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
• 1997-2005 PhD student, Department of History, Lund University.
Published Books
Maria Småberg, Ambivalent Friendship. Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920-1948, Lund University, Lund 2005.
Svante Lundgren, Elizabeth Melikian, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Kate Royster, MariaSmåberg, Folkmord, flyktingar ochfortlevnad. Tre skandinaviska kvinnors arbete för armeniska kvinnor och barn,Artos, Skellefteå 2020.
Seija Jalagin, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Maria Småberg,2015: Special Issue: Mission, relief and Development: Gender and Nordic Missions in Transnational and Humanitarian Settings, ca. 1890–1960, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 40, Issue 3, 2015. * vetenskapligtgranskad publikation (peer review)
Published Articles and Book Chapters
Maria Småberg: “Witness Reporting as Resistance and Recovery – The SwedishMissionary Alma Johansson and the 1915 Armenian Genocide”, The British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Special Issue: “Crises in the Middle East. Humanitarianism,Religion and Diplomacy, ca. 1860–1950”, 2023.
Maria Småberg: “Medkänslans olika ansikten.Alma Johansson och armenierna”. In Svante Lundgren, Elizabeth Melikian, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Kate Royster, Maria Småberg, Folkmord, flyktingar och fortlevnad. Tre skandinaviska kvinnors arbeteför armeniska kvinnor och barn, Artos, Skellefteå 2020.
Maria Småberg: “Att ge röst åt de utsatta –Maria Anholm och de yezidiska kvinnorna” . In Klas-Göran Karlsson, Emma Severinsson & Ulf Zander (eds.), I historiens virvlar. Biografiska betraktelser tillägnade Eva Helen Ulvros, Historiska Media, Lund 2019.
Maria Småberg, “Material help and self-help. Materiality and cosmopolitan care in the Swedish humanitarian work among Armenian refugees in Thessaloniki, 1923-1947”. In: Andreas Schmoller, Ed., Middle Eastern Christians and Europe: Historical Legacies and Present Challenges.Orientalia–Patristica–Oecumenica 13. Wien Lit, 2018. * (peer review)
Maria Småberg, “Mission and cosmopolitan mothering. Saving Armenian mothers and orphans, 1902-1947”, Social Sciences and Missions, 30, 2017. * (peer review)
Maria Småberg, “Kärlek mötte mig i varje stycke” – Mission och materialitet i det humanitära arbetet bland armeniska flyktingar i Thessaloniki, 1923-1947”. DIN Tidsskrift for religion og kultur, Nr 2, 2015. * (peer review)
Maria Småberg, “On mission in the cosmopolitan world. Ethics of care in the Armenian refugee crisis, 1920-1947”, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 40, Issue 3, 2015. * (peer review)
Seija Jalagin, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Maria Småberg, “Introduction: Nordic missions, gender and humanitarian practices: from evangelizing to development”, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 40, Issue 3, 2015. * (peer review)
Maria Småberg, "On mission in the cosmopolitan world. Ethics of care in the Armenian refugee crisis, 1920-1947", Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 40, Issue 3, 2015. * (peer review)
Maria Småberg, "I skuggan av första världskriget. Det armeniska folkmordet", Populär Historia 4/2015.
Maria Småberg, "The Swedish Mayrik". Saving Armenian mothers and orphans 1902-1941" in Lars Hillås Lingius (ed.): In Times of Genocide 1915-2015, Studieförbundet Bilda, 2015.
Maria Småberg, "Witness Narratives as Resistance and Recovery. Alma Johansson and the 1915 Armenian Genocide" in Anders Ahlbäck & Fia Sundevall (eds.) Gender, War and Peace. Breaking up the borderlines. University Press of Eastern Finland, Joensuu 2014.
Maria Småberg, "Peacemakers" from the "Bridge Church": The Anglican Church as a Third Party in Palestine 1920-1948" in Kjell-Åke Nordquist (ed.) Gods and Arms. On Religion and Armed Conflict, Pickwick Publications, Eugene, OR, 2013.
Maria Småberg, "Försoning", in Karin Aggestam & Kristine Höglund (eds.), Om krig och fred. En introduktion till freds- och konfliktstudier, Studentlitteratur, Lund 2012.
Maria Småberg, ”Witnessing the Unbearable. Alma Johansson and the Massacres of the Armenians 1915” in Karin Aggestam & Annika Björkdahl (eds.) War and Peace in Transition. Changing Roles of External Actors, Nordic Academic Press, Lund 2009.
Maria Småberg, ”Att bevittna det outsägliga – Alma Johansson och massakern på armenierna 1915”, Vetenskapssocietetens Årsbok, Lund 2007.
Maria Småberg, “Interkulturell vänskap som motdiskurs: ett historiskt perspektiv” in Hans Lorentz & Bosse Bergstedt (eds.) Interkulturella perspektiv. Pedagogik i mångkulturella lärandemiljöer, Studentlitteratur, Lund 2006.
Maria Småberg, “Peacemaking through Friendships - Ambivalent Anglican discourses in Jerusalem 1920-1948”, SMT (Swedish Missiological Themes), Vol. 94, No. 2, 2006.
Maria Småberg, ”Tea-party-diplomati. Kvinnors strävan att motverka våld i Palestina 1920-1948” in Eva Österberg & Marie Lindstedt Cronberg (eds.): Kvinnor och Våld. En mångtydig kulturhistoria, Nordic Academic Press, Lund 2005.
Maria Småberg, ”Vänskap och ambivalens: kunskapens villkor och möjligheter i mångkulturella skolor i Jerusalem 1920-1948, in Bosse Bergstedt & Hans Lorentz (eds.): Lärandets skilda vägar: om kunskapsbildning i mångkulturella kontexter, Pedagogiska rapporter, nr 83, 2004.
Maria Småberg, ”En oas mitt i våldet” - Fredsutbildning som ett medel till att förebygga våld i Palestina 1920-1948”, in Eva Österberg & Marie Lindstedt Cronberg (eds.): Våldets Mening, Makt, minne, myt, Nordic Academic Press, Lund 2004.
Maria Småberg, ”Ambivalens och Vänskap” – mångkulturell utbildning i Jerusalem 1920-1948” in Hans-Albin Larsson (ed.) Forskningsfronten flyttas fram. Utbildningskultur och maktkultur, HLF Förlag, 2003.
Maria Småberg, ”Kultur överbryggar konflikt”, Populär Historia, December 2002.
Maria Småberg, ”Dialogue in teaching. Early attempts of peace education in multicultural Anglican schools in Jerusalem, 1920-1948” in Elsie Franzén (ed.) Barn, ungdom och utbildning i mångkulturella samhällen, IMER-förbundets rapport från Forskarskolan i Sigtuna, February 2002, FoU-Södertörn Skriftserie nr 24/02.
Maria Småberg, ”Vems judiska stat? Konflikten mellan religiösa och sekulariserade judar i Israel”, Utrikesperspektiv, maj 1998.
Maria Småberg, ”Religionens roll i fredsprocessen. Moderata israeliska muslimers syn på religion, politik och fred”, Dialog, januari 1998.
Conference Papers:
MariaSmåberg, 2019: “Material Help and Self-help. Swedishhumanitarian work among Armenian refugees in Thessaloniki, 1923–1947”. Humanitarian Handicrafts. Materiality, Development andFair Trade. A Re-evaluation. University of Huddersfield.
MariaSmåberg, 2019:“Givingvoice to Yazidi and Armenian women – memory and transnational narratives in thecases of Maria Anholm and Alma Johansson”, Refugees, Diasporas and Humanitarian Actors in theEastern Mediterranean Regions Workshop, VoldaUniversity, Norway.
Maria Småberg, 2018: “Cosmopolitan Mothering –humanitarian narratives of saving Armenian mothers and orphans 1902-1947”, PRIS Biennal Conference, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2018:“Alma Johansson and the Armenians, 1901-1947”. Mission and Gender in the Middle East - Transnational lives andbiographical perspectives, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, LundUniversity.
Maria Småberg, 2018: “Sexual Violence and Survival – Humanitarian Narrativesof Armenian women as victims and agents during the 1915 Armenian Genocide”, Nordic Women’s and Gender History Conference, University of Oulu, Finland.
Maria Småberg, 2018: “Witness reporting as Resistance and Recovery.Scandinavian missionaries and the 1915 Armenian Genocide”, “Crises in theMiddle East: Humanitarianism, Religion and Diplomacy, c. 1860 to 1970” at theLeibniz Institute of European History, Mainz, Germany.
Maria Småberg, 2017: “Cosmopolitan Mothering – humanitarian narratives ofsaving Armenian mothers and orphans 1902–1947”, 9th Congress of NordicHistorians, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Maria Småberg, 2016: ”Mission och Kosmopolitiskt Modrande – om att rädda armeniska mödrar och barn 1902–1947”, ”Nordiskmission i ett historiskt perspektiv”, University of Gothenburg.
Maria Småberg, 2016: “Material Help and Self-help – Materiality andcosmopolitan care in the Swedish humanitarian work among Armenian refugees inThessaloniki, 1923–1947”, Swedish National Conference on Peace and ConflictResearch, Malmö University.
Maria Småberg, 2016: Active participant, 2nd Global Forum Against theCrime of Genocide, Yerevan, Armenia.
Maria Småberg, 2016: “Material Help and Self-help – Materiality andcosmopolitan care in the Swedish humanitarian work among Armenian refugees inThessaloniki, 1923–1947”, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Maria Småberg,2015: “The Swedish Mayrik - Saving Armenian mothers and orphans 1902–1941“, Swedish Christian Study Centre, Jerusalem.
Maria Småberg, 2014: “WitnessNarratives as Resistance and Recovery - AlmaJohansson and the 1915 Armenian Genocide”, Fourth Annual Conference of the Dialogues on Historical Justice andMemory, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2014. "Witness Narratives as Resistance and Recovery. Alma Johansson and the 1915 Armenian Genocide", University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu 2014.Maria Småberg, 2014. "On Mission in the Cosmopolitan Land. Alma Johansson and the role of transnational humanitarian networks in the Armenian refugee crisis, 1915-1940", ESSHC, Vienna University.
Maria Småberg, 2014, "Witness Narratives as Resistance and Recovery - Alma Johansson and the 1915 Armenian Genocide", National Conference on Peace and Conflict Reserach, Umeå universitet.
Maria Småberg, 2013,“Martyrs, Mothers and Migrants – Swedish Women Missionary Workers and the empowerment of Armenian refugee women in Thessaloniki, 1923-1941”, “Gender and Migration” workshop, Dept. of Gender Studies, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2013, “Agents of hope” – Swedish Women Missionary Worker Alma Johansson and the empowerment of Armenian refugee women in Thessaloniki 1923-1941”, “Mission, Relief and Development” workshop, Dept. of History, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2013, “Sexual Violence and Survival” – Representations of Armenian women as victims and agents in Alma Johansson’s witness accounts of the 1915 Armenian Genocide”, International Federation for Women's History & Women's History Network International Conference, "Women's Histories: The Local and the Global", Sheffield Hallam University.
Maria Småberg, 2012 "The Vulnerable Guardian - images of women and security in Alma Johanssons's witness accounts of the 1915 Armenian Genocide", Taking Women Beyond 1325, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2012 "The Vulnerable Guardian - images of women and security in Alma Johanssons's witness accounts of the 1915 Armenian Genocide", The Tenth Nordic Gender History Conference, Bergen University.
Maria Småberg, 2012 "The Vulnerable Guardian - images of women and security in Alma Johanssons's witness accounts of the 1915 Armenian Genocide", 2012 Gothenburg National Peace and Conflict Studies Conference, Gothenburg University.
Maria Småberg, 2011 “Witness Accounts as Resistance and Recovery: Alma Johansson and the Armenian Genocide 1915”,
Aid and Genocide - Scandinavian Relief Work among the Christian Minorities in the Ottoman Empire, An International Conference, DIIS Copenhagen.
Maria Småberg, 2009 “The Vulnerable Guardian - Alma Johansson and the Armenian Genocide of 1915”, the 2009 Conference of the Swedish Women and Gender Historians (SKOGH) – “Gender Perspectives on World history”, Gothenburg University.
Maria Småberg, 2009 “The Vulnerable Guardian - Alma Johansson and the Armenian Genocide of 1915”, The 2009 Conference of the Swedish Network of Peace, Conflict and Development Research – “The Development and Security Nexus”, Stockholm University.
Maria Småberg, 2008 “Witnessing the Unbearable – Alma Johansson and the Massacres on the Armenians 1915, National Conference on Peace and Conflict Research, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2006 “Peacemakers” from the “Bridge Church”- The Anglican Church as an Informal Third Party in Palestine 1920-1948, Globalization and Peacebuilding, Uppsala University.
Maria Småberg, 2006 “Witnessing the Unbearable – Swedish Missionary Alma Johansson’s actions for the Armenians”, Gender and Religion, Copenhagen University.
Maria Småberg, 2006 ”The Spiritual Solution” – Rituals and Informal Meetings for Peace in Jerusalem 1920-1948, The Second Swedish Peace Research Conference, Gothenburg University.
Maria Småberg, 2006 “Peacemaking through Friendships - Ambivalent Anglican discourses in Jerusalem 1920-1948” Protestant missions, practice and representation in the formation of "self" and "other", ca. 1850-2000, Bergen University.
Maria Småberg, 2005 ”Tea-party-diplomati. Kvinnors strävan att motverka våld i Palestina 1920-1948”, Kvinnor och Våld (Women and Violence), Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2004 ”Vänskap och ambivalens: kunskapens villkor och möjligheter i mångkulturella skolor i Jerusalem 1920-1948”, NFP/NERA Education Research Conference, Reykjavik University.
Maria Småberg, 2003 ”En oas mitt i våldet” - Fredsutbildning som ett medel till att förebygga våld i Palestina 1920-1948”, Våldets gränser (The Limits of violence), Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2002 ”Dialogue in teaching. Early attempts of peace education in multicultural Anglican schools in Jerusalem, 1920-1948” IMER Research School, Sigtuna.
Maria Småberg, 1997 “Arab Israeli Muslims on Religion, Politics and Peace”, The Peace Process and Political Visions of the Middle East, Lund University.
Maria Småberg, 2014, review of Claes Ahlund (ed.), Scandinavia in the First World War. Studies in the War Experiences of the Northern Neutrals (Nordic Academic Press, 2012), Scandia, 2014, 80:1, pp. 156-158.
Maria Småberg, 2013, review of Sten Rylander, Nelson Mandela - tolerans och ledarskap (Historiska Media 2012), Historielärarnas Förening Årsskrift, 2013, pp. 217-219.
Maria Småberg, 2011, review of Jesper Bengtsson, ”En Kamp för Frihet. Aung San Suu Kyi” (Norstedts 2010), Historielärarnas Förening Årsskrift, 2011, pp. 185-187.
Maria Småberg, 2007 review of Sten Ask & Anna Mark-Jungkvist (red.) ”Freden som äventyr. Dag Hammarskjöld och FN:s framtid” (2005), Historielärarnas förenings årsskrift 2007.
Maria Småberg, 2003, review of Grace Feuerverger, “Oasis of Dreams. Teaching and Learning Peace in a Jewish-Palestinian Village in Israel” (2001) in Historielärarnas förenings årsskrift 2003.
(*in English)
Conflict Resolution (lecturer, examiner, undergraduate level), Peace and Conflict Studies, Lund University.
Globalization, (in)security and identity (lecturer, examiner, undergraduate level), Peace and Conflict Studies, Lund University.
* War and peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (lecturer, examiner, undergraduate level), Peace and Conflict Studies, Lund University.
Meeting place Jerusalem (lecturer, examiner, undergraduate level), Department of History, Lund University.The Arab-Israeli Conflict (undergraduate level), Campus Helsingborg, Lund University.
*The Role of Religion in the Middle East Conflict (lecturer, undergraduate level), Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University.
* Peace for God’s Sake (lecturer, undergraduate level), Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University.
Supervisor and examiner of undergraduate thesis, Department of Individual and Society, Malmoe University College.
Supervisor and examiner of undergraduate thesis (BA-level), Department of History, Lund University.
Supervisor and examiner of undergraduate thesis (BA-level), Peace and Conflict Research, Lund University.
Assistant supervisor of a PhD student, Department of History, Lund University.
Assistant supervisor of a PhD student, Örebro University.
Assistant supervisor of a PhD student, Malmö University.
Academic community services:
Member of the Board of Centre of Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, 2007-2009.
Member of the Examination Board of a Ph D dissertation at Centre of Theology and Religion, Lund University, 2008.
Member of the Examination Board of a licentiate’s dissertation at Centre of Theology and Religion, Lund University, 2008.
Member of the Board of the Forum for Intercultural Pedagogical Research, Lund University, 2005-2007.
Research networks:
Humanitarian and Conflict Response (HCRI),University ofManchester; Humanitarianism in the Middle East, Universities of Mainz, Leiden and Paris;The ManyRoads to Modernity, Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen;SwedishNetwork of Peace, Conflict and Development Research (PRIS); Swedish Network ofGender History (SKOGH); The Research Collegium of the Swedish ResearchInstitute in Istanbul (SFII); Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), LundUniversity; Network for Jewish Studies, Lund University
Awards, Grants, Research Funding:
The Swedish Research Council The Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University The Swedish Institute
The Crafoord Foundation
The Birgit and Gad Rausing Foundation for Humanistic Research
The Fondazione Famiglia Rausing
The Royal Society of Letters at Lund
The Faculty of Humanities, Lund University
The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
The County Governor Per Westling Memorial Fund
The Bokelund Foundation History & Geography Grant Fund
The Bokelund Foundation Travel Grant Fund

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- History
- Department of History
Contact information
E-mail maria.smaberghist.luse
Phone +46 46 222 30 46
Room LUX:A316
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30